
Categorie: Filozofie
Data adăugării: 03.10.2011
Descărcări: 338
Notă: 9 / 10 - 1 vot

Made by albu rozalina
group e36
georg wilhelm friedrich hegel

along with j. g. fichte and f. w. j. von schelling, hegel 1770-1831 belongs to the period of german idealism in the decades following kant. the most systematic of the post-kantian idealists, hegel attempted, throughout his published writings as well as in his lectures, to elaborate a comprehensive and systematic ontology from a logical starting point. he is perhaps most well-known for his teleological account of history, an account which was later taken over by marx and inverted into a materialist theory of an historical development culminating in communism. for most of the twentieth century, the logical side of hegels thought had been largely forgotten, but his political and social philosophy continued to find interest and support. however, since the 1970s, a degree of more general philosophical interest in hegels systematic thought has also been revived.

1. life, work, and influence <...

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